Friday, December 4, 2009

Film Flash Friday: The Hours

It has been brought to my attention that my posts having been coming later and later in the day, thus making it hard to read my Monday, Tuesday, and Friday posts on the day they were posted. My sincerest apologies...I need to get my act together for sure! I have been a bit of a late owl lately, but I will definitely endeavor to return to my morning post schedule.

That being said, I have been busy watching films. As many as my eyes (and schedule) can handle. To see recent updates please check out my sidebars. I've also added my Netflix queue in case any one wants to follow along and watch one and critique my critique or add comments.

I am not sure how many people actually take the time to watch the full length director commentaries. I know that I should, but I usually make some excuse not to. After I finished The Hours, not watching the director & author commentary was not an option. The film blew me away and the thought of being regaled with more insight into the filming process was too much to pass up. Before this film I watched Dog Show again, and watched the commentary for it. The commentary for that film was interesting and funny, but not extremely detailed. The commentary for The Hours was extremely different. Both the director and the author of the novel had such insightful and helpful things to say. Everything from why a scene was shot in the spring versus the winter and how scenes were set up to how the author created the characters and whether or not the 1950s character was semi-autobiographical and based off of his mom. They both also talked about the difficulties of creating much discussion for roughly an hour and a half. I felt like I was attending a master class of both directing and novel writing. It was as if I was invited to an exclusive interview, an informal chat that will forever change the way I look at the film. Needless to say, if you haven't seen the movie I recommend it, but if nothing else I recommend you take a look at the commentary of the director and definitely kept my attention.

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